More information
Volar Sport discs are specially designed for lightweight electric motorcycles. They are capable of withstanding high temperatures over long periods of time without deforming. The floating disc has two parts: The fret in the center is made of aluminum. It is light and very heat resistant. The braking track is made of stainless steel which is resistant to abrasion and has a long lifespan . These discs with standard mountings (6 screws), are compatible with the Sur-Ron front hub , the Talaria front hub , the 4.50 front hub as well as the WARP 9 front and rear hubs .
! Does not fit stock, SMPro or Talaria Sting rear hub!
E-Volvendo is a hybrid concentrate of technologies from the world of bicycles and motorcycles , a concentrate of experience, passion and synergy between the two Italian companies Ottpuntouno and Volar Sport .
The engineering, construction and production of each component is strictly MADE IN ITALY.
- 2.4mm thick
- Warning : you must buy an adapter if you want to mount a 250mm disc
- Adapter provided if you purchase the E-VOLVENDO brake kit
Strong points
- Great braking power (reduction of pain in the fingers or forearms)
- Great resistance to heat (constant braking during use)
- Linear braking (force applied to the lever proportional to the braking pressure)

"Jo & Will's Word"
Having good braking is essential in order to feel safe . We installed high-end brakes so that you can brake as late as possible before a turn or attack all the way down a big descent without fear. You won't find anything better than the E-VOLVENDO designed for our electric motorcycles !